Triggers are emotional or psychological stimuli that can evoke distressing emotions and reactions. They can be challenging to manage, and understanding the factors that make you more likely to be triggered can help you develop effective coping strategies. In this blog post, we will explore seven factors that can increase your vulnerability to triggers and impact your mental well-being.

7 Factors That Increase Your Vulnerability to Triggers

  1. Always Fulfilling the Needs of Others: Constantly prioritizing the needs of others over your own can leave you emotionally depleted and vulnerable to triggers. Neglecting your own needs and constantly putting others first can lead to emotional burnout and diminished resilience, making it more likely for triggers to affect you.
  2. Unmet Basic Needs: When your basic needs, such as sleep, nutrition, hydration, and safety, are consistently unmet, it can impact your emotional well-being. Your body and mind need adequate rest, nourishment, and safety to function optimally. Neglecting these basic needs can result in heightened emotional sensitivity and increased vulnerability to triggers.
  3. Background Stressors: Background stressors are chronic stressors that are consistently present in your life, such as financial stress, work pressure, relationship issues, or ongoing health concerns. These stressors can accumulate over time and impact your emotional resilience, making you more susceptible to triggers.
  4. Dysregulated Nervous System: Your nervous system plays a crucial role in how you respond to triggers. If your nervous system is dysregulated, meaning it is not functioning optimally, it can affect your emotional regulation and response to triggers. Chronic stress, trauma, or other factors can dysregulate your nervous system, making you more vulnerable to triggers.
  5. Unprocessed Trauma: Past traumatic experiences that have not been fully processed or resolved can increase your vulnerability to triggers. Unprocessed trauma can create emotional triggers that are easily activated by certain stimuli or situations, leading to intense emotional reactions.
  6. Stressful Lifestyle: Leading a consistently stressful lifestyle characterized by a fast-paced, high-pressure environment can impact your emotional well-being and increase your vulnerability to triggers. Chronic stress can weaken your emotional resilience and make you more reactive to triggers.
  7. Lack of Pause Throughout the Day: Not taking breaks or pausing throughout the day can impact your mental well-being and increase your susceptibility to triggers. Constantly pushing yourself without giving yourself time to rest and recharge can result in emotional exhaustion and make you more likely to be triggered.

These seven factors can influence your vulnerability to triggers and impact your mental well-being. Recognizing these factors and taking steps to address them, such as prioritizing self-care, seeking support for unprocessed trauma, managing stress, and practising emotional regulation techniques, can help you better cope with triggers and protect your mental health.

Our nervous system has a window of tolerance within which we can tolerate even challenging situations gracefully. The more we learn to work with our triggers, the more we also learn the importance of taking care of our needs throughout the day to make sure we are more able to tolerate those challenges.

Imagine this: a super stressful situation with your family where you need to make decisions and be a loving parent (even though you are super mad), and you do it SUCCESSFULLY!

You remain calm and are able to speak to your children and partner with love or a stressful situation at work, where you remain the only stable presence.

This is all that is possible when you learn my methods of nervous system regulation and emotional healing.

Find out how you can work with me at or follow me on Instagram for more support and tips.