High-functioning anxiety is a term used to describe individuals who experience anxiety but are still able to function effectively in their daily lives.

Here’s how to tell if you have high-functioning anxiety:

  • Overthinker: You overthink and overanalyze everything.
  • Controlling: You try to control the environment in any way possible.
  • People pleaser: You have a deep fear of saying no, and you constantly try to please others.
  • Dweller: You dwell on mistakes and regret many of your past actions.
  • Insomnia: You struggle with insomnia and feel really tired most of the time.
  • Sensitive: You have this constant storm in your body and this sense that something isn’t resolved or quite right.
  • Perfectionist: You are a perfectionist and really fear failing.
  • Habits: You have nervous habits, like biting your nails, shaking your legs, etc.
  • Negative: You always expect the worst and struggle to just be in the moment.

How to overcome high-functioning anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety can show up in every area of our life, and it is deeply intertwined with childhood trauma.

Once we work to process childhood trauma through the body (regulating the nervous system AND feeling all the leftover emotions from childhood), our body can relax.

We can stop this cycle of rumination and nervousness and actually become present in the moment.

All of these habits – to control, procrastinate, and distract – are making up for the pain we feel inside that we’d do anything to avoid touching.

In my experience, we can touch it little by little and slowly heal it in a non-intimidating, loving way. And our entire lived experience gets to change!

Pop over to my other blog about Childhood Trauma, connect and join my community on Instagram or see how I can further help you on my website.

*This blog was inspired by an article in Rose Hill Center.