Thursdays at 9AM PST/12PM EST/5PM UK


A mastermind experience that marries embodied somatic healing practices with intentionally growing your empire. 

Unlock your next level & design a business and life that feels embodied, purposeful and easeful. 

A business where our cycles & seasons of life are respected and work feels like play.

A space where you are held and cared for by others. Connect, heal & grow in a loving community.

Would you like to?…

Elevate your relationship with money, your business & work-life balance.

Unlock a new frequency that comes from deep trust rather than from pushing or scarcity.

Create offers that embody your unique essence and attract clients that you’re in love with.

The Pathway

The winning combination: grow your biz and deepen your inner work

Grow your business and at the same time dive deeper into your inner work, because by now you know that success is not only coming from strategy but also from how you operate.

Emotional healing is financial abundance 

Operate from a place of empowerment & embodiment because you’ve been working on your own emotional healing 

(side-note: millionaires have the same emotions as you. We are all human, and emotions that come up around rejection and financial downfalls in our biz can stop all of us! Learning how to feel those emotions and move that energy has been the magical 🔑 to our own forward movement!)

Nervous system regulation is business growth 

 Believe it or not, making money (and not making money) can be just as triggering as painful events in our life (breakups, rejection etc), so when we work on NS regulation, we work on expanding our capacity to handle overwhelming emotions and sensations that can come with success!

“You CAN cultivate an empire from a place of ease and flow”

Do you ever feel like…

You catch yourself undercharging or even lowering your rates on sales calls and deep down worry what others might think of your prices and are terrified that they might say no?

You’ve created random offers and put them out there without an overall holistic strategy in mind, and they are starting to feel like work and maybe even unexciting to you?

You are not feeling called to grow your business with bro-marketing techniques, yet you feel that maybe that’s the only way actually to scale?

You’ve implemented literally EVERYTHING you possibly can?

Learned every marketing strategy?

Have done every affirmation and manifestation and meditation to create your dream business ? 

…And nothing seems to create the transformation in your business that you’re looking for…


…then you are in the right place. 

Who Are We?

Business wins happen through a soulful marketing strategy, and when living your embodied truth.
This is something we’ve had to discover through years of trial and error, challenges, education, and embodying our own path. And now, we are sooooo excited to share that with you!
I have spent the majority of my adult life in an office. Climbing the corporate ladder. At one point, I had what I thought would bring me happiness:
✔A successful marketing career in one the biggest radio stations in Switzerland
✔A bachelor’s degree in communication and marketing
✔A nice apartment in Zurich and travelling the world.

But I worked A LOT, and my soul was craving freedom. So I gave up everything, moved to Bali and started my own social media agency. However, I worked a lot – again!

Fast forward to now: I now teach other women how to start their own businesses and work in social media, I have helped thousands of women and was featured in Forbes. But most importantly: I have transformed my own business so it suits me and my life: not the other way around.
I implemented systems and automations that give me more free time.

I work according to what feels good to me – not to what I see is trending on Instagram. 

And I learned what was missing all along—connecting with other women. Learning from others, getting different inputs and, most importantly, having someone who holds space for me when things are not going the way I thought they would.

 Marina was that person for me when we first met in a Mastermind. I grew up more in my masculine energy, not sharing about my feelings, even though I am a highly sensitive person (HSP). I was told to always push through and focus on achieving. Marina has coached me through some deep transformation, and I’m in awe of her because she walks the talk and is authentic AF.

 This Mastermind experience is the alchemy of both soul and goal so that you can create a business that feels wholesome. You can create an empire while doing what you love, honouring your own unique essence, just like Marina and I are doing in our lives and businesses.


When I started my business, I arrived in this place of deep stuckness. 40 sales conversations in a few months turned into 1 client.

On every sales/discovery call, I could hear drops of sweat landing on the floor! I was terrified to be rejected, terrified to share my prices, feeling like I wanted to run and hide.

It felt like there was a gaping wound in my chest. It hurt so bad.

My vision was so grand, but the impact and money I was making – so small. It all felt so incredibly unattainable. I really felt like there was an invisible force outside of my body that just didn’t let me succeed and create the empire I wanted to.

Fast forward a few years later, and I have a business making 20-30k months, serving amazing clients who line up to pay me with ease, I LOVE sales conversations, and I’ve created the life I love with my partner in Costa Rica!

(…and OF COURSE I still face challenges in my life and business – it’s just that the way I handle them has shifted completely!) 

How did this happen? When you see images of entrepreneurs chilling on the beach in Costa Rica, do you say to yourself: this will never be me (I did, for years!)

✔It happened because I never gave up.

✔It happened because I felt in my soul that I wanted this.

✔It happened because I paid for support: masterminds, group coaching, and 1-1 coaching. I invested in myself and in my vision with so much trust, hand in hand with the fear of spending $.
It happened because I created a business that actually felt aligned, AND most importantly: because I found somatic and embodiment work!

After spending YEARS doing inner work from my mind (that only put me in further cycles of hiding and shame, because everyone seemed to have it together but me), I found a way of being and a methodology that actually allowed me to transform my financial trauma, rejection and abandonment wounds, and thrive in my business!

I am in love with my business and if you can’t tell already – I am OBSESSED with working with business owners because I know how passionate, driven and committed you are, and how the tools I am going to share with you will literally change your entire business, your clients, AND your life too!

AHHHH I am buzzing with excitement to work with you and support you with my deepest love and compassion! 

And I am sooo excited to do this with my dear soul sister, Nadine. The truth is, I always dreamed to do something like this with her, but then one day, when I randomly posted on my IG stories that I’d love to create a massive, game-changing offering for coaches, she immediately messaged me and we got going!

(this is what gets to happen in your business when you are in tune with your body!)

I met Nadine at my very first big financial leap – paying for a 6-month massive mastermind. I still remember how cool she seemed – with her beautiful dress and Bali vibes :). Although I was a bit intimidated, I loved her and felt connected to her instantly! It is so touching to think that we are now creating this for YOU.

I have worked with Nadine on so much of my marketing. Her mind is brilliant, she is so efficient and effective, and most importantly – her methods are full of HEART AND SOUL. I am beyond excited for you to experience the results you’ll get from learning her magic!

So, what are we actually bringing you in this experience?

Soul & Goal Alchemy is…

  • A space where you learn what it means to work from a regulated nervous system and to feel deeply grounded and vibrant in your biz
  • Learn advanced business and marketing strategies that actually work, without the ickiness of typical marketing
  • Learn about different business operations and systems so you can set-up your business in a way that nourishes you and feels like fun – because we are all unique
  • Heal deeply: cultivate a new relationship with your body and soul, money, sales, and business, and your emotions
  • Operate your business as a highly attuned, sensitive person who needs boundaries and ample time to rest
  • Connect with a powerful group of entrepreneurs and visionaries that will become your soul family

What You’ll Walk Away With

  • Tools and practices that you can use for the rest of your life to easefully move through the ups and downs of business
  • Financial trauma healing tools for expansive and soulful success 
  • Imposter Syndrome and biz visibility healing, so that you can stand out and really be yourself in your business, and know what to do when you don’t
  • Healing business competition and creating life-long, lasting deep connections with the most incredible biz family 
  • A soulful and powerful marketing strategy
  • A clear understanding of how to create content for your different social media channels 
  • Offers that fit your unique personality while serving your clients
  • A badass funnel strategy and systems and automations so that you don’t feel like you have to work 24/7
  • Access to Nadine’s Social Media Course & Marinas “Treasure’s in the Trigger: Regulating, Healing and Living Fully Alive!”

Soul & Goal Is For You If…

  • You are a coach, therapist, or healer who is soul-led, have started your business and created some foundations, yet are ready to expand and grow your impact and income, as well as giving back to the community 
  • You want to know how to create forward momentum in your business, and what to do when you get stuck
  • You’re so done with icky marketing tactics, and you want your soul to smile when you put your offerings out there
  • You don’t want to be working 24/7. You want your life and business to flow seamlessly together
  • You really desire to create a beautiful impact in the world with your offerings
  • You’ve felt shame, guilt, jealousy and deep fear in your business and in the coaching/healing industry
  • You feel like the coaching/healing industries really need to change: in the marketing strategy, scarcity, and inauthenticity

The Format

We will meet 3-4 times per month on zoom for 60-90 minutes, switching between marketing/business and deep healing for an embodied business that flows

Our meetings will be on Thursdays at  9AM PST/12PM EST/5PM London, and replays will be available

Hight Touch: The Bonus

5 spots for those of you who’d like to receive high touch support from us via small, personalized group hot seat coaching twice per month (once with Marina and once with Nadine), where you get all your questions answered, where you get coached and accelerate bringing your vision to life! 

This kind of support is a game changer because you will be directly mentored by us, so that we can reflect blindspots and triggers that can turn into gold!

The Curriculum

Month 1 - Earth: Business Foundations & Embodied Safety


  • group cohesion & cultivating internal embodied safety
  • business identity now and moving forward 

Week 1: Connections  

  • Embodied safety in life and business and feeling safe in a group

Week 2: Business Identity 

  • Who are you, and how do you present yourself to the world.. Is your branding and messaging congruent with what you offer? 

Week 3: Embodied Safety: Knowledge & Practice 

  • Somatic safety tools for nervous system regulation and feeling safe in your life and business 

Week 4: Target audience 

  • How to find them, and how to market to your target audience without shaming them or coming from a place of fear

Month 2 - Ocean: Emotional Healing & Offer Creation


  • emotional healing & expression
  • offering creation from a place of alignment 

Week 1: Emotional Healing + The Helper Archetype (childhood healing fantasy) 

  • Somatic awareness of the self-sabotage in your helper archetype 
  • Somatic emotional healing so that you transform business emotional suppression and the ups and downs rollercoaster of your biz

Week 2: Your offering -s

  • Oftentimes we only think of 3 typical offerings (1:1, group, and courses), but there are so many more variations. Let’s create offerings that support your unique personality and your lifestyle. 

Week 3: Emotional Expression & Somatic Connection 

  • How to express all emotions that come up in your business so that you can become free and embodied 
  • Exploring how our attachment styles mold how we connect in our businesses (to other business owners, to our clients, to ourselves, and to money)

Week 4: Creating and Re-Aligning your offering

  • Deeper dive into your product suite and how you can price your offers – it’s about pricing your services, not yourself

Month 3 - Sun: Self Sabotage & Systems + Automations


  • working with resistance and self-sabotage & shifting into new identities 
  • systems & automation to free up time (it’s all about soul & goal)

Week 1: Somatic Resistance 

  • Working with our fears and resistance as wisdom

Week 2: Systems, Tools & Automation to make your life easier

  • There are tools that support you and tools that can make your life harder, depending on your personality style. You’ll learn not only about tools but how to implement systems and automations to get back your most valuable asset: your time!

Week 3: Self-Sabotage and Your New Identity 

  • How we can find safety in a transition/transformation into a new identity – making more money, more visibility, etc.

Month 4 - Air: Visibility & Soulful Social Media Marketing


  • being seen & heard: visibility in your business 
  • soulful marketing & social media 

Week 1: Marketing Strategy 

  • Does your marketing strategy match your personality type? Learn about the different strategies and how to implement them

Week 2: A Guided Journey to Being Seen 

  • Somatically embody your ability to be visible in your biz

Week 3: Social Media Platforms, Algorithm & Content Creation 

  • Should you dance on TikTok? 😉 How do the different algorithms actually work, and how can you create content without spending hours each week on social media

Month 5 - Moon: Stuckness & Funnels


  • feeling stuck in your business
  • making funnels fun & easy

Week 1: The Somatics of Stuckness 

  • What does it mean to FEEL stuck, and how can we move through it?

Week 2: Funnels Part 1

  • Funnel intro 
  • Mindful funnels vs bro marketing

Week 3: The Spirituality of Stuckness & Financial Trauma Healing

  • How can we draw lessons from stuckness that actually allow us to have massive breakthroughs in our business? 
  • Deep financial trauma healing journey to expand your capacity to receive $$$

Week 4: Funnels Part 2

  • Advanced funnels that feel fun
  • How to implement funnels in your business

Month 6 - Integration


  • Fear of success + celebration
  • Festing & trusting

Week 1: Testing 

  • How do you know if your strategies are working? What analytics and data points (KPIs) should you look out for?

Week 2: Fear of Success 

  • Exploring your relationship with success
  • Embodying, receiving and celebrating your success and others

Week 3: Bonus to be announced 

Week 4: Nadine + Marina Closing Circle Session

  • Leading a group session where people acknowledge each other 
  • Group Celebration
*Curriculum subject to change; accept fun and exciting surprises along the way! 


Are You Ready For Big Shifts In Your Life And Business?

Because We Are So Ready And So Beyond Excited To Support You On This Journey!