HealFlow: A 5 Month Transformational Healing Group Journey
August – December 2023 Waitlist


Register below to get on the waitlist and be the first to know when we open for enrollment + receive early bird pricing:

Imagine what it would be like to feel truly seen in your greatest pain and greatest joy by other incredible humans, moving through a healing journey with you. To feel safe and deeply held for the first time in community. To feel like even though your emotions don’t always make sense, YOU make sense.

In HealFlow, you’ll…

∿ connect to your body and develop deep trust in others

 unearth the deep roots of trauma and patterns you didn’t even realize existed and stood in the way of your dreams, 

 integrate these tools so that they become an effortless way of being rather than rigid, urgent routines to follow.

A love letter from me to you…

5 years ago, I began one of the greatest journeys of my life.

A journey of what it meant to flow – to accept all of the gifts and challenges life presents us with, and to move through them like a grand wave, a powerful wave of freedom and strength, without resistance.

Challenges used to make me constrict, scrunch up into a little ball and collapse.

I used to spend hours hiding in my bedroom, under blankets when I faced my greatest challenges – of feeling rejected, unloved or abandoned.

I decided that I’d learn how other great visionaries allow challenges to grow them.

I knew it was possible, and I knew from years in the self development field that typical methods like manifestation and affirmations did not work for me.

I had an intuition that this was about self compassionate, honest truth – using the rational, logical mind, shifting beliefs and ways of being and most importantly: the emotional truth.

The emotional truth that so many personal development methods, books and videos tend to ignore.

A love letter from me to you…

The uncomfortable emotional truth sets us free – to be fully ourselves, to validate who we are, to unravel thousands of years of generational and personal trauma – to step into the present moment with the dignity of knowing.

The emotional truth widens our heart and reveals our greatest strength to us.

We are the only ones who can free ourselves from intense energies in our bodies – intense emotions that prevent us from manifesting our reality.

These intense emotions hold all the wisdom of our past and our future. They hold messages about what we desire and need, and what we don’t want.

And when we do this healing work in community – magic happens. We learn our personal strength, and the magic in letting ourselves feel supported.

I learned and embodied so many tools and practices: inner child work, attachment styles, embodiment practice, somatic experiencing, breathwork, parts work – and so much more!

In this process, I uncovered that healing can become integrated into our lives, instead of being a rigid, exhausting process.

It can be fluid, fun, and enlightening.

It can bring us into our highest highs, when we know how to flow through the greatest lows.

I also learned that healing while being supported by others is essential – as humans we are relational beings, and we need our “tribe”.

I coached hundreds through my online courses, group programs and 1-1 coaching. And this is how this program was born.

HealFlow is the greatest project of flowy healing I have yet embarked upon, and I’d be so honored to embark upon it with you.

This program won’t just teach you how to do healing work.


Thinking about transformation and transforming are two very different things.

It will teach you a way of being in the world, a way of healing that is different from anything you’ve ever experienced.

The curriculum is designed to support you in learning about the healing process and to embody an expansion in the capacities of trust, connection, choice, safety and agency, rewiring and releasing urgency, threat responses, people pleasing and other coping mechanisms that are no longer serving your mission and vision in the world 

We will be diving deep into rewiring in the areas that are most important for you in each of our live group meetings: your relationship with yourself, health, relationships, intimacy/sex, career/business, money and friendships

HealFlow is meant for you:

  • If you have this powerful internal feeling that you are meant to create greatness in the world.
  • If the idea of discovering pathways to heal deeply and share this healing with others in different ways excites the shit out of you.
  • If you’ve done some inner work already, and are ready for what the next level of this will be for you.
  • If you are looking to find flow in every area of your life: relationships (including your relationship with yourself), health, family, intimacy/sex, career/business, money and friendships.
  • If you want to connect deeply with a community on the path of healing and expansion.

Who this program is not for:

  • If you’re brand new to personal development.
  • If you feel like you don’t have the capacity to support others in a group setting. This is the sign that 1-1 coaching or therapy will be a better fit.

Integrating Transformation

You will choose to focus on areas of transformation that are most important to you out of the following:

  • Relationship with self – spirituality, hobbies 
  • Health 
  • Relationships
  • Intimacy/sex
  • Career/business
  • Money
  • Friendships

Expanding Capacity

Each month, we will focus on the expansion of capacities that are often lost through trauma, and missing when we are triggered:

Month 1: Safety

Month 2: Connection

Month 3: Trust

Month 4: Choice

Month 5: Agency

Some of the topics we will cover:

nervous system regulation

emotional healing & trauma

the attachment styles

self connection & inner child

repatterning coping mechanisms

practicing mindful self comapssion

What Past Participants Say

The Details


  • February 5th 2023 – June 25th 2023
  • Sessions will take place Sundays 8:30AM PST/11:30AM EST/4:30PM London time for 90 minutes; 3 sessions per month. Sessions will be recorded. 


On zoom: anyone can join from anywhere in the world

Program Includes

  • Each meeting will include the following elements: big and small group embodiment practices, partner embodiment practice, teachings, q+a, and live coaching
  • Weekly homework practices to deepen the healing and integration of the learning
  • You will be paired with a practice partner twice per month for co-regulation and strengthening community, connection and trust 
  • All members will receive full access to my signature online course (sold at $888) “Treasure’s in the Trigger”, and will be assigned specific modules to watch throughout the 5 months  

Program Investment

EARLY BIRD PRICING ENDS October 31, 2022: $3,555 paid in full or 3 payments of $1,199. Longer payment plans are available – please contact me.

Save Your Spot: Early Bird Pricing

Option 1: Paid in Full

✓ Full access to the 5-month group transformation program, delivered live

✓ Each meeting will include the following elements: big and small group embodiment practices, partner embodiment practice, teachings, q+a, and live coaching

✓ Weekly homework practices to deepen the healing and integration of the learning

✓ You will be paired with a practice partner twice per month for co-regulation and strengthening community, connection and trust 

✓ All members will receive full access to my signature online course (sold at $888) “Treasure’s in the Trigger”, and will be assigned specific modules to watch throughout the 5 months

✓ Savings for paying upfront

Option 2: 3 Payments

✓ Full access to the 5-month group transformation program, delivered live

✓ Each meeting will include the following elements: big and small group embodiment practices, partner embodiment practice, teachings, q+a, and live coaching

✓ Weekly homework practices to deepen the healing and integration of the learning

✓ You will be paired with a practice partner twice per month for co-regulation and strengthening community, connection and trust 

✓ All members will receive full access to my signature online course (sold at $888) “Treasure’s in the Trigger”, and will be assigned specific modules to watch throughout the 5 months

✓ Savings for paying upfront

Option 3: The Deepening

✓ Everything in the paid in full track PLUS monthly 1-1 sessions to deepen your transformation (1 session per month for 5 months)

About Marina Yanay-Triner

Compassionate Somatic Coach

Based on my background, I was supposed to live a very hidden life, filled with pain, regret, animosity and passive-aggressive behavior, disconnected from my body and other humans.

I was supposed to become a doctor or lawyer (not that there is anything wrong with those professions, they just don’t spark joy in me!), and spend my whole life chasing my career, with zero joy.

I was supposed to fail my own business as a result of financial trauma and dysregulation.

I was supposed to just exist in life, to feel occasionally super pissed off, and then move on to the next thing, and the next thing.

Life was supposed to happen to me.

Trauma runs in my family line: the Holocaust, violence and war, financial trouble.

It also runs in my own life: moving multiple times as a refugee, leaving the familiar with deep distress, sexual assault, and emotional abuse.

And yet, through it all, through deep pain and many, many triggers, I was and am able to find deep aliveness and presence.

I am able to build a thriving business, and support thousands of humans to shift and transform their trauma and to use their triggers for deeper connection and aliveness, rather than live in continued pain and fear.

I am so excited for you to join this revolution: we are shifting our family cycles, we are creating new outcomes. We are changing the world.

We are here to learn our lessons and to be deeply and fully alive, enjoying everything life has to offer us and welcoming it all in emotional healing and a commitment for unstoppable growth!


When and how is the program delivered?

  • The program is delivered live on zoom; couples’ practice will be at your own time (you will decide together).
  • Anyone can join from anywhere in the world.
  • Program dates are August 2023 – December 2023
    Sessions will take place Sundays, 9:30-11AM PST/12:30AM-2PM EST for 90 minutes; 3 sessions per month. Sessions will be recorded.

What if I cannot make it live?

  • Recordings are provided in your secure portal. I do recommend making it live as often as you can because we will be practicing and coaching live in the group.

What does the program include and what is the investment?

  • Each meeting will include the following elements: big and small group embodiment practices, partner embodiment practice, teachings, q+a, and live coaching
  • Weekly homework practices to deepen the healing and integration of the learning
  • You will be paired with a practice partner twice per month for co-regulation and strengthening community, connection and trust 
  • All members will receive full access to my signature online course (sold at $888) “Treasure’s in the Trigger”, and will be assigned specific modules to watch throughout the 5 months  
  • Investment: EARLY BIRD PRICING: $3,555 paid. Full price is $3,777. Monthly payment plans are available.

How do I know if it's right for me?

Only you can decide whether it’s for you or not. I have taken place in so many programs, so here’s my advice and how I always make trauma-informed, heart-centered decisions: close your eyes, and take several breaths. Feel your nervous system truly settling. Tune deeply into your body, rather than your mind. Notice any constriction in your body and breathe into it. Now, notice any places that feel good or OK. Breathe into them and focus on those areas.

Now, tune into your heart, or any space in your body that feels good. Put this intention out: should I join this program? And listen. The answer may not come right that moment. It might come in a dream, or later in the week. Listen to the whispers and cues of the universe. The right decision will come – trust it fully.

Register below to get on the waitlist and be the first to know when we open for enrollment + receive early bird pricing: